December 28, 2008

Musical Musing #12808.2

Hip-Hop Went Glam

Hip-hop is in a big slump. Let me amend that, commercial hip-hop is a fucking catastrophe!

As I was driving along today, switching through radio stations, I stopped for a while on the couple of hip-hop/R&B stations we have in Seattle. The music is almost unbearable. Obviously our tastes change as we get older, but seriously, the shit that's on the main stage now is beyond a little whack. It seems like every song falls under three non-mutually exclusive categories:

1. I got cash
2. I got stash
3. I got ass

Money, Cocaine, and booty. That shit is tired and played out.

As I was thinking about these awful songs in the context of the bigger picture, something dawned on me. In the future, maybe ten years or so, we are going to look back at this era of hip-hop as the embarrassing "Glam Phase". Much like rock and roll scenesters look back on bands like Poison, Motley Crue, Whitesnake, and Ratt, and have to hold down the vomit in their throats. Hip-hop heads will look back at this excess and feel ashamed that they bought in to it.

That's how it appears to me, an era of extreme hip-hop decadence. Maybe its a omen for the future of hip-hop, well, commercial hip-hop at least.

With that said, there are definitely great artists and producers doing amazing things all over the country, and all over the world. This bitchy little rant is aimed solely at the Lil Wayne's and David Banner's and Cash Money Motherfuckers out there.

Don't mourn hip-hop, because it will never die. Just don't buy that shit they throw in your face!

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